Saturday, November 30, 2019
Sodium Hydroxide and Erlenmeyer Flask free essay sample
To learn the concept of separating organic compounds by utilizing the concept of acid/base chemistry in so that separation can be done. INTRODUCTION Using acid base chemistry in the separation of substances can be a quite useful technique in organic chemistry. A basic extraction can be carried out by applying a hot solvent such as water to a dry substance like coffee. This will allow for the extraction of caffeine and flavor from the coffee beans. Acid base chemistry can be useful in separating neutral, basic, and acidic organic substances by controlling the pH of the aqueous layer. We will write a custom essay sample on Sodium Hydroxide and Erlenmeyer Flask or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In acid base extraction a solvent such as ether is mixed with an aqueous solution of a different pH. This will aid in ionizing the intended compound and separate it from the mixture. Once the molecule is ionized it will precipitate out of the ether solvent and dissolve into the aqueous layer. The aqueous layer can then be removed and the pure substance can be obtained through crystallization. In this weeks lab a mixture of carboxylic acid, phenol, and a neutral substance were separated from an ether solution. First, the carboxylic acid was ionized with a weak base and removed. A strong base was then applied to the mixture to allow the phenol to ionize and precipitate into the aqueous layer. This layer of aqueous solution was then extracted which left the neutral compound in the ether solvent. The three separated substances were then crystallized for melting point and identification. PROCEDURE Isolation a neutral compound from a mixture containing an acid impurity 1. 0. 24grams of unknown sample and 0. 12 grams benzoic acid was weighted  and placed in a test tube. 2. 10ml of ether was added to the mixture and was shakes to dissolve completely the mixture. The solution then transferred to 125 ml separatory funnel and 5ml of 1M NaOH was added, with the cap tight, the layers was mix by swirling and shaking for 30 seconds. Pressure was vent by titling the funnel and opening the stop cork. 4. It was shakes again after closed the stop cork. The mixture was leaved to stand to allow the layers to separate. The aqueous layer was drain into Erlenmeyer flask and was labeled as first extraction NaOH. 5. 5ml of the 1M NaOH solution was added to the ether layer in the funnel and the step 1-5 was repeated and labeled as second extraction NaOH. . The flask was taken to the hood and by using glass rod slowly stirring when 6M HCl was added into each Erlenmeyer flask until the solution was acidic by using blue litmus paper. 7. The drying procedure for an ether layer requires the additional step, which not include in the procedure for drying of methylene chloride layer. 8. 5 ml of saturated aqueous sodium chloride was added. Then the mixture was shake for 30 seconds and let the layer separate. The aqueous layer was removed and discarded. 9. The ether layer was poured from the top of the seperatory funnel into the Erlenmeyer flask. 10. The ether layer over granular anhydrous sodium sulfate was dried 11. The dried ether solution was transferred, dry Pasteur pipet to a dry, reweighted Erlenmeyer flask, leaving the drying agent behind. 12. The ether was evaporate by heating the flask in a warm water bath. When the solvent was evaporated, the flask was removed from the bath and dry the outside of the flasks. When the flask was cooled to room temperature, the amount of solid solute was weighted. The melting point of the solid was obtained. Result 1. The actual weight of benzoic acid 2. Weight of benzoic acid recovered 3. Observed melting point of benzoic acid 4. Percent recovery o benzoic acid 5. Actual weight of unknown sample 6. Weight of unknown sample recovered 7. Observed melting point of unknown sample Questions 1. List four water-immiscible liquids other than ether that could be used to extract organic compounds from aqueous solution. 2. Why is it wrong to leave a bottle of anhydrous sodium sulphate or calcium chloride open? Draw the structure of the product when benzoic acid reacts with sodium hydroxide. Why is the product of this reaction easily extracted into H2O, while the original benzoic acid is not so easily exacted into H2O? 4. Why does benzoic acid precipitate out when the aqueous layer acidified with HCl?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Teaching in Public Schools Differs from Private Schools
Teaching in Public Schools Differs from Private Schools School choice is a hot topic concerning education especially when it comes to public vs. private schools. How parents choose to educate their children is highly debated, but teachers have options when it comes to choosing a job? As a teacher, landing your first job is not always easy. However, you must ensure that the schools mission and vision align with your personal philosophy. It is important to understand that teaching in public schools does differ from teaching in private schools. Both offer the opportunity to work with young people on a daily basis, but each has their advantages and disadvantages. Teaching is a very competitive field, and at times it seems like there are more teachers than there are jobs available. Prospective teachers applying for a position in a private school should know the differences between public and private schools that will impact how they do their job. Understanding those differences is important if you have an either/or opportunity. Ultimately, you want to teach at a place where you are comfortable, that will support you as both a teacher and a person, and that will give you the best opportunity to make a difference in the lives of your students. Here we examine some major differences between public and private schools when it comes to teaching. Budget The budget of a private school typically comes from a combination of tuition and fundraising. This means that the overall budget of a school is dependent on how many students are enrolled and the overall wealth of the donors who support it. This can be challenging for newer private schools and an overall advantage for an established private school that have successful alumni willing to support the school. The bulk of the budget of a public school is driven by local property taxes and state education aid. Schools also get some federal money to support federal programs. Some public schools are also fortunate to have local businesses or individuals who support them through donations, but this is not the norm. The budget for public schools is typically tied to their state’s economic status. When a state goes through an economic hardship schools, receive less money than they typically would. This often forces school administrators to make difficult cuts. Certification Public schools require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and a teaching certificate to be a certified teacher. These requirements are set by the state; whereas requirements for private schools are set by their individual governing boards. Most private schools typically follow the same requirements as public schools. However, there are a few private schools that do not require a teaching certificate and in some cases may hire teachers without a specific degree. There are also private schools that only look to hire teachers who hold an advanced degree. Curriculum and Assessment For public schools, the curriculum is mostly driven by state-mandated objectives and for most states will soon be driven by the Common Core State Standards. Individual districts may also have additional objectives based on their individual community needs. These state mandated objectives also drive the state standardized testing that all public schools are required to give. State and federal governments have a much smaller influence on the private school curriculum. Private schools can essentially develop and implement their own curriculum and assessments. One of the major differences is that private schools may incorporate religious curriculum into their schools whereas public schools cannot. Most private schools are founded based on religious principles, so this allows them to indoctrinate their students with their beliefs. Other private schools may choose to focus more on a specific area such as math or science. In this case, their curriculum will focus more on those specific areas, whereas a public school is more balanced in their approach. Discipline The old saying goes that kids will be kids. This is true for both public and private schools. There are going to be discipline issues in either case. Public schools typically have more major discipline issues such as violence and drugs than private schools do. Public school administrators spend the majority of their time handling student discipline issues. Private schools tend to have more parental support which often leads to fewer discipline issues. They also have more flexibility than public schools when it comes to removing a student from a classroom or removing them from school altogether. Public schools are required to take every student who lives in their district. A private school can simply end their relationship with a student who continuously refuses to follow their expected policies and procedures. Diversity A limiting factor for private schools is their lack of diversity. Public schools are much more diverse than private schools in many areas including ethnicity, socioeconomic status, student needs, and academic ranges. The truth is that attending a private school cost too much money for most Americans to send their children too. This factor alone tends to limit diversity within a private school. The reality is that the majority of the population in private schools is made up of students who are from upper-middle-class Caucasian families. Enrollment Public schools are required to take every student no matter their disability, academic level, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, etc. This can also have an adverse effect on class size especially in years where budgets are thin. It is not uncommon for there to be 30-40 students in a single classroom in a public school. Private schools control their enrollment. This allows them to keep class sizes in an ideal 15-18 student range. Controlling enrollment also is beneficial for teachers in that the overall range of where students are academically are much closer than a typical public school classroom. This is a very important benefit for both students and teachers in private schools. Parental Support In public schools, the amount of parental support for the school varies. It is typically dependent upon the community where the school is located. Unfortunately, there are communities that do not value education and only send their kids to school because it is a requirement or because they think of it as free babysitting. There are also many public school communities who value education and provide tremendous support. Those public schools with low support provide a different set of challenges than those with high parental support. Private schools almost always have tremendous parental support. After all, they are paying for their child’s education, and when money is exchanged, there is an unspoken guarantee that they intend to be involved in their child’s education. Parental involvement is very important in the overall academic growth and development of a child. It also makes a teacher’s job easier in the long run. Pay A surprising fact is that public school teachers are typically paid more than private school teachers. However this does depend on the individual school itself, so it may not necessarily be the case. Some private schools may also offer benefits that public schools do not including tuition for higher education, housing, or meals. One reason that public school teachers are typically paid more is because most private schools do not have a teacher’s union. Teaching unions fight hard for their members to be fairly compensated. Without these strong union ties, it is difficult for private school teachers to negotiate for better pay. Conclusion There are many pros and cons a teacher must weigh when it comes to choosing to teach in public vs. private school. It ultimately comes down to individual preference and comfort level. Some teachers would prefer the challenge of being a teacher in a struggling inner city school and others would prefer to teach in an affluent suburban school. The reality is that you can make an impact no matter where you teach.
Friday, November 22, 2019
An alien species Essay Example for Free
An alien species Essay An alien species (also known as ‘exotic or nuisance species’) is the entry of any species into the ecology of which in the past it was not a part of. This species can travel to the new ecosystem from a neighboring ecosystem or from another part of the world. An alien species can cause damage or harm to animal, plant and human life thus completely disrupting the ecosystem. Two of the alien species that have seriously affected the other inhabitants of the ecosystem in the US and the other parts of North America include the Green crab and the zebra mussel. In the home ecosystem, an alien species may not be able to thrive well due to the presence of certain factors such as diseases, presence competitors, lack of space, natural enemies, etc. However in the new ecosystem, the alien species is able to thrive uncontrollable due to the absence or restrictive factors. In the past, many alien species have been introduced into various environments. Some have entered due to human factors, whereas other may have entered due to certain natural factors. Some species may have benefited the environment, which they are entered, whereas other may have seriously destroyed the native population. Invasion by alien species can have both, economic and environmental implications. The Zebra mussel is originally from the Caspian Sea and the Green crab is from Eastern Seaboard. These are classic examples of ‘Aquatic Nuisance Species’ (ANS) (ACS, 2007, MDNR, 2006 & NOAA, 2007). The Zebra mussels were identified in the Great Lakes and later spread to the other parts of North America via the major rivers and waterways. They may have spread into the US from ships that have traveled through the freshwaters of Europe. They compete for plankton in the waters and in this way seriously jeopardize the food chain. They also damage parts of boats and ships. The Green crabs had spread into the San Francisco Bay region and later through California and Oregon States. They have a strong appetite for food in their territories and in this way deprive other organisms of food. The native crabs of US have seriously suffered from the invasion of the Green crab into their home territory (ACS, 2007, MDNR, 2006 & NOAA, 2007). An alien species. (2017, Feb 19).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Judges Rule on the Basis of Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Judges Rule on the Basis of Law - Case Study Example In the legal systems of any given state, judges play a very significant role. However, for the judges to work efficiently the independence of the legal system need to be upheld. This is because judges should make rulings as per the law but not the opinions of the public. Judges are also required to differ from pressures in existence if their ruling is to be regarded as fair. In any given case, pressure from either group of people or individuals should not deter the judges from making their rulings according to the law (Reavley, 2002). However, there is an argument made that the government is a human affair. Contrary to the fact that the judge should rule in accordance to the law, critics made argue that people are well ruled if the judges understand the people’s thinking as well as put into consideration their opinions. They further argue that there is a danger that arises if the law and justice become rigidly bound to recorded laws or statutes. This raises an urge for the jud ges to put into consideration the public’s opinion (Bingham 2011, p.13). Judges should restrict their ruling on the basis of law only without being driven by any public opinion. However, judges should not only rely on only the written statutes and laws and this calls for them to seek public opinion as well as what the public thinks (Reavley, 2002). In Case [2012] EWHC 2381 (Admin), there are tragic cases in consideration. The cases presented the society with ethical and legal questions of a unique and difficult kind. The cases also raised some constitutional questions which called for the attorney general’s intervention. The court was forced to invite the attorney general. The cases involved two claimants who suffered from catastrophic physical disabilities. However, the claimants’ mental processes were unimpaired by the fact that they were fully conscious of the predicament they were going through. Both of them suffered a locked-in syndrome. Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Flight Ready Dashboard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Flight Ready Dashboard - Research Paper Example This is to say and mention that the general equipment and technical awareness or strength of the aircraft has also been improved and bettered. In history, the dashboards have been changed and modified since the period of the 1970s. At first, the aircraft dashboard has changed and grown from analogue to digital formats. The irreducible minimum in this line of thought is that the dashboards have been used to form decision support systems. In principle, in the period of 1990s, saw the dashboard industry undergo a tremendous impact and change in the technological improvements (Boman, 1995). This was particularly, the period where the web and the internet gained prominence in the world as a means and avenue of communication and conduit to information. Thus, the manufacturers of the dashboards had to conform to the changes and improvements which were happening on the internet and the webs. The basic irreducible principle and format in the dashboard was developed to gather and collect information from all the other parts of the airplane. At first, the initial making of the dashboards was that they were fixed and built in the cockpit. However, as the times progressed, the developers and the manufacturers of the dashboards have developed dashboards which are fixed outside the box. This paper will thus examine in details, the growth and the advancement of the flight ready dashboard over the years. In principle, the developers of the dashboards have also ensured that the evolved dashboards have ensured that the benefits of the digital dashboards have cutting edge benefits. In prospect, the flight ready dashboards have been modified into executive and top of the art systems. Subsequently, the flight ready benefits have some advantages and benefits over the initial dashboards which were developed. They include visual presentation of the data and trace the performance of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Judy Chicago Essay Example for Free
Judy Chicago Essay Judy Chicago was a â€Å"celebrated artisan, writer and a feminist. †On July 20, 1939, Arthur and May Cohen of Chicago, Illinois who were then a labor organizer and a medical secretary respectively were blessed with a baby girl and they named her Judy. In 1962, she earned her Bachelor’s Degree on Fine arts at UCLA. After 2 years, she received her Master’s degree on the same course and at the same university. By 1977, Judy was already receiving accolades and rewards for her artworks and art exhibitions particularly at the â€Å"Los Angeles County Museum of Art. †In 1969, Judy decided to change her name to Judy Chicago in honor of her hometown. She was able to conduct a â€Å"one-woman show at California State University at Fullerton in 1970. †While Judy’s career was growing, her lovely life was not doing so well. After 2 years of marriage Jerry Gerowitz, she became a widow. Then, she met Lloyd Hamrol in 1969 and divorced him after a decade. Her last husband was Donald Woodman whom she married in 1985 (Harvard University Library). When Chicago was in her late 20’s to early 30’s, she experimented with the use of â€Å"reduced geometric shapes. †More so, she utilized all various forms of art to convey her minimalist style. The utilization of basic forms and colors combined with the evasion of â€Å"incisive cultural commentary,†Chicago was able to put form or meaning to her ideas and art techniques. As a result, she was able to create artworks that â€Å"were formulative to her landmark â€Å"spectral color†theory that has informed all of her subsequent work†(Through the Flower). In the 1960s to 1970s, American society was energized by activism which encouraged the public to question the status quo or the ruling class. It was in this period that Chicago was inspired to initiate a new movement in the art world called the Feminist Art (Through the Flower). The unusual political and social views of Chicago were the results of â€Å"her childhood influences such as her father who was a member of the Communist Party and recognized the oppression of women. †She was considered to be part of the â€Å"red-diaper baby†genre wherein most of the children born in the early 1940s were raised in a progressively manner which was a â€Å"spillover of the WWII atmosphere of leftist and Communist thinkers†but in the case of Chicago, it was more of a â€Å"working-class Jews†scenario. More so, within the family Judy, the â€Å"left-wing politics†replaced Orthodox Judaism. †Through this, Judy was shaped into having an identity that was linked to the Jewish culture with a reputation of being an intellectual with â€Å"a commitment to social justice. †This clearly became the foundation for the creation of Chicago’s radical and socially relevant artworks including the Holocaust Project: From Darkness Into Light (WordPress. com). Chicago started to teach feminism through art education and other academic programs for women at â€Å"California State University, Fresno, and the California Institute of the Arts. †According to Chicago, â€Å"Women’s history was neglected or added on, as opposed to integrated into the full history of the human species†¦both implicitly and explicitly the message that is communicated is that what women did wasn’t important†(Pogrebin 1). It was in these academic institutions that Chicago founded the â€Å"Feminist Art Program†that yielded the Womanhouse, which was the â€Å"first installation demonstrating an openly female point of view in art. Chicago’s ideas helped to initiate a worldwide Feminist Art movement. †Then this was followed by the creation of Chicago’s one of most popular masterpiece, The Dinner Party. This artwork was focused on portraying the history of women. It was a multimedia project that showed the evolution of the female specie in the Western Civilization. Because of the forward-thinking concept and unique approach and the enormous support from the people all over the world, The Dinner Party became a huge success (Through the Flower). The Dinner Party is a 48 feet triangle-shaped table which is set for 39 significant women from history to mythology. Each of the set of plate was intended to visually honor the corresponding woman. Different types and designs of table wares were strewn all over the table. But it was the plates that embodied Chicago’s creativity and distinctive qualities. The plates were painted with â€Å"an undulating, flowerlike abstraction of femininity. †Additionally, the porcelain base contained the 999 more names of distinguished women all over the world. In this particular work of art, Chicago was trying to impart women’s history to broad and different types of individuals (WordPress. com). Overall The Dinner Party was a huge undertaking for Chicago that reflected her passion, beliefs and personality. After this, Chicago ventured into making another great piece of art which was called Birth Project. This project was comprised of several massive â€Å"series of birth and creation images for needlework,†which were intricately made by skilled workers from different parts of the country. In her later years, Chicago was able to produce numerous artworks in various forms such as paintings, sculptures, drawings and many others. In Powerplay, she incorporated a feminist point of view to the â€Å"gender construct of masculinity†(Through the Flower). Through Judy Chicago’s unwavering conviction that art can be an instrument for conveying â€Å"intellectual transformation, social change and women’s right to engage in the highest level of art production,†she was able to change how women perceived in modern world. Because of her many achievements, she was able to establish herself as an â€Å"an artist, writer, teacher, and humanist whose work and life are models for an enlarged definition of art, an expanded role for the artist, and womens right to freedom of expression†(Judychicago. com). Works Cited â€Å"Biography. †2009. Judychicago. com. 13 April 2009 http://www. judychicago. com/? p=biography â€Å"Chicago, Judy. †September 2004. Harvard University Library. 13 April 2009 http://oasis. lib. harvard. edu/oasis/deliver/deepLinkcollection=oasisuniqueId=sch00326 â€Å"Judy Chicago. †2009. Through the Flower. 12 April 2009 http://www. throughtheflower. org/page. php? p=40n=3 â€Å"Judy Chicago: Art As Activism. †26 October 2007. WordPress. com. 13 April 2009 http://ourdescent. wordpress. com/2007/10/28/judy-chicago-art-as-activism/ Pogrebin, Robin. â€Å"Ms. Chicago, Party of 39? Your Table’s Ready in Brooklyn. 1 February 2007. The New York Times. 13 April 2009 http://www. nytimes. com/2007/02/01/arts/design/01party. html? pagewanted=1_r=3fta=y
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Brandenburg Gate Essay -- History Construction Architecture Essays
The Brandenburg Gate The Brandenburg Gate is the trademark of Berlin and over the coarse of its life has been the symbol of peace, victory, power, division, hope, and a united Germany. The gate is a symbol for Germany much like the Eiffel tower is a symbol for France. The gate is located on the Pariser Platz. It is the only gate of a series of gates that once stood in Berlin. The gate is located on Berlin’s most famous street the "Unter den Linden," or "Under the Lime Trees." This street is straight as an arrow, a mile in length and leads directly to the royal residence. Due to these conditions the gate is visible from a great distance. Karl Gotthard Langhans was the designer of The original Brandenburg Gate which was commissioned by Friedrich Wilhelm II to represent peace. It was designed after the Propylea, which is the gateway to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. The Gate was built out of sandstone and construction lasted from1788 to 1791. The Brandenburg gate is about 70 feet in height and 200 feet in breadth, consisting of twelve Greek Doric columns, six on each side. There are five roadways through the gate, although originally ordinary citizens were only allowed to use the outer two and the central one was reserved for carriages of royalty only. Above the gate is the Quadriga, consisting of the goddess of peace, Eirene, a winged woman driving a four horse chariot in triumph. This Quadriga is a casting made of bronze. The most important sculptor in Berlin during this period was chosen to carry out the necessary sculpting work. His work Personifies virtues like friendship and statesmanship, along with symbols o f arts and sciences, because these are things that make a city bloom in times of peace (source 2). The desi... ...ate is probably the most well-known landmark in Berlin; it now stands as a symbol of the reunification of the two sides of this great city. An interesting structural note about the Brandenburg Gate is that it sways about one centimeter because of the passing of trucks, subway trains, and cars blaring loud music. Today's international visitors to Pariser Platz come to re-experience this first gateway to the city, and to enjoy the long-denied freedom to walk through this magnificent work of art. Work Cited 1.) , October 19 2.), October 19 3.) inden/brandenburger_tor.shtml, October 19 4.), October 19
Monday, November 11, 2019
Occupational Psychology
Theories of motivation provide those that are in managerial positions with greater understanding of what makes employees perform to their peak performance. The practice of comprehending motivation can result in influencing and managing the behaviour of a workforce effectively. Motivation is intrinsic or extrinsic and is seen as a desire or need that gives an individual focus and drive in their role, tasks they are employed to do and controls an individual's behavior. We are all motivated by different things and in different ways. Some people are motivated by doing a good job and look for personal recognition and personal growth, whereas others are motivated by money and promotion. When applied to the workplace it is about getting the most from an employee through encouragement in order for them to give the best performance in their role. Two theories that have influenced organizations and are used to date are Maslow's theory ËÅ"hierarchy of needs' and Locke's theory on goal setting'. Maslow's theory is referred to as a content theory of motivation and suggests how an individual behaves in a workplace is dependent on the need or requirement to fulfill certain needs. If an individual does not accomplish these needs they encounter an imbalance which they will try to rectify. The theory suggests we are motivated by basic needs and as these needs are met we move to another level of the hierarchy of needs until we reach the pinnacle of the pyramid. The levels that Maslow proposes we all go through are, basic needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization. Once individuals reach the self actualization level, the need continues to act as a motivator, the more they experience the need, the more they want to experience further growth and satisfaction. A study by Parker et al (1991) looked into motivation needs and their relationship to life success. The study looked at the responses of managerial and non-managerial industry workers. It showed that the need to achieve was positively related to success. This included status-wealth, contribution to society and professional fulfillment, but was negatively related to security and when carried out the type of role i.e. managerial and non managerial was an essential predictor of power needs and accomplishment. C.L. Cooper (2001) also supported Maslow's theory of needs believing that they are extremely important because the nature of work is changing, as employment is now insecure or short term contracts. British employment structure is becoming more Americanized, having longer hours, intrinsic job insecurity and employing a bottom line management approach. Cooper proposed that Maslow's theory is far more important today with the British workforce than it was in the last century. P.E. Ajang (2012) also supports the theory that Maslow's hierarchy of needs have been useful in organisations in motivation, believing that in order for them to be effective and efficient, managers and the organisation must be willing to understand and provide factors that motivate employees within their roles and duties. Greenberg & Baron (2003) support the distinction between the growth needs and deficiencies in Maslow's theory but proposed that not all individuals are able to satisfy their higher order needs in employment. Their research found that managers from higher ranks in organisations were able to satisfy both their growth and deficiency needs whereas managers at a lower level were only able to satisfy their deficiency needs at work. Nadler & Lawler (1979) cited in Graham & Messner (1998) believed there were three major criticisms of Maslow's theory arguing that the theory makes assumptions about employees in general. These are that employees are similar, all situations are similar and that there is only one best way to meet their needs. Locke's theory is referred to as a process theory of motivation and proposes that employees are motivated by having specific goals set them and being given the necessary feedback. He suggests that if we are given goals it motivates an individual to achieve a goal which improves overall performance. Goal setting employs key points, referred to as SMART. These are specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time bound. Goals should be specific (so an individual knows what to do), measurable (so an individual knows when they have to be completed), agreed upon (this way an individual has a joint/vested interest in their success), realistic (difficult but realistic to accomplish in period allotted, making sure they are not impractical objectives as this will demotivate them) and time constrained (having a time limit ensures individuals complete the task). Morisano et al (2010) investigated whether goal setting would enhance academic performance for struggling students, following the conclusion that in universities twenty five percent never complete their course. The study found that the students who followed the goal setting intervention showed extensive improvements in their performance compared to those that had not had goals set. They propose that if they are standardized, easily administered and time limited that enhancement in academic performance can be attained in struggling students. Steele-Johnson et al (2000) found in their analysis of goal orientation and task demand effects on motivation, affect and performance that participants with performance goal orientation were more satisfied with their overall performance on an simple task as this offered a better possibility for them to demonstrate their capability. Their results showed that advantages of goal direction were dependent on the type or intricacy of task given. Job complexity affected goal orientation on affect and performance and task consistency moderated goal orientation on intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy. In Latham & Steele's (1983) study on college students performing toy assembly, and whether work strategies or goal setting would boost performance, the results showed that specific goals set by a supervisor led to elevated performance rather than generalized ‘do best' objectives. The study found and supported Locke's theory of goal setting as did other studies by Mento et al (1987), Locke & Latham (1990) and Locke & Latham (2002). Grant's (2012) study on goal setting in teaching and practice saw goal setting as an ideal structure in order for individuals to explore, recognize and modify unhelpful implicit goals. This would promote positive change and a motivational effect on behaviour, but he also felt that it could hinder performance, especially if the task allotted was too complicated, was too exigent or the individual was inexperienced, had low self-efficacy and resources were limited. He also proposed that individuals were more likely to cheat and be unhelpful with peers if there were highly competitive situations or high performance goals. He felt that SMART goals suppress the development of sophisticated comprehension and knowledge. He stated that unclear managerial perception or knowledge of Locke's theory could result in ill informed decision making and incorrect practice. In conclusion the level of influence on performance and motivation is dependent on how a theory is applied and by whom and whether they are proficient at applying the theory. When using Maslow's theory if an individual is inexperienced in teaching or training methods (i.e., supervisors, managers, etc) the theory is absolutely ineffective, although if they are a trained teacher or academic they may have some success in its application. Employers need to be able to work out which level of the hierarchy of needs an individual is at in order to motivate them i.e. if someone is on a low salary and are struggling to get by they are unlikely to be motivated be receiving a credential for a job well done, they are more likely to be motivated with the offer of a salary increase. Problems exist with the theory as individuals aren't always predictable, they can also sometimes be driven to do well by what they feel strongly about and not necessarily by what they require. In contrast Locke's theory seems to have more success and is an established method used in organisations today. It has been shown to be a reliable and effective way of motivating employees. Studies have shown that performance improvements that are related to goal setting can be between ten and twenty percent. Goal setting works because it gives individuals objectives, energizes individuals, provides a challenge and encourages creativeness in an individual in their workplace. To managers and supervisors it is easy enough to employ and can be very useful as the results can be easily understood and supervised. In academics and teachers who are highly proficient it can be very useful as can show levels of attainment and can be a good indicator on how to progress and improve an individual's overall performance and if applied correctly will have great advantages. In summary we all require motivation to work hard, but individual differences in motivation are due to factors such as locus of control and personality. We are all motivated in different ways and by different things, such as personal gain, money, reward or by achievement and personal success. These motivations can alter depending on our circumstances. Locke's theory seems the most useful in addressing human problems in motivation but ultimately it is down to the organisation and which method they employ, that determines whether a theory has been helpful or unhelpful. The competency on the individual using the theory will evidently determine whether motivation of an individual is successful or not in the workplace.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Entrepreneur: Small Business Management
Small Business Management 1. I think that entrepreneurship can be taught, because many of us exactly students had no experience with business and wish to learn about it, not the fact that all people will work on the specialty, but all of them need money to live, and one way to reach this goal is entrepreneurship. When it is taught, we already know from what to begin and we study on another's examples as it is possible to avoid some problems. On the other hand it depends on the person how he can use this knowledge from lesson more efficiently for his firm. . It seems to me that our collegiate entrepreneurs face a lot of barriers with schedule or time management, because they need to pass their course while they control their own businesses. Also when person launching his own business and it’s connected with producing product, he need demand for his product, but nowadays a lot of customers do not wish to take if the goods are not so known and many of them have got used to take t he checked up goods. Another point of barriers is stuff of employees it should be very responsible people. Of course every collegiate entrepreneur faces some financial obstacle because many of them invest their money, and they want to recover their money quicker, hence many of them look for new highly paid job as they want to be independent. 3. One advantage that collegiate entrepreneurs can do it’s very useful experience for future because they need to analyze will be this project profitable, use knowledge involving accounting, finance, management, marketing and so on also at the beginning it’s interesting will be a boss. As a student entrepreneur can take suggestion from teachers who provide to him advantageous information. Also lots of young people is very risky and they don’t afraid of launching business and their mind more creative and more fashionable. 4. I think that university can organize some special club for those people who want to begin their own business and invite people who really work as entrepreneurs, who can share their own experience with the other people
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on What Is The American Dream
What is the American Dream? It is my opinion that the American Dream can be slightly different for each person but that there are many commonalities between people’s dreams within the American culture. I feel that though our schooling and upbringings, we are influenced as to what the ideal of life is within this culture should be. I feel that television, magazines, and the many other forms of media condition us to believe in a similar structure of how life should be lived. The first thing that comes to my mind is that each family should live in a cookie cutter track home surrounded by neighbor’s houses that are nearly identical to their own. Ideally, there would be a white picket fence surrounding the house and a dog in the back yard. There are two to three children, at least one boy and one girl, who go to school every day and do there home work. The husband leaves for work early in the mourning and does not return until late at night because he must be the breadwinner and take care of his family. He would typically work in some kind of office and would be wearing a suit and tie. He would be the disciplinarian while the wife is the sensitive and more loving figure of the family. The next part of the dream that I have in my head is now a little confusing. In the past, wives were supposed to stay home and cook breakfast, clean house, take care of the kids, and cook dinner. Now in days, with so many women in the job market, it is hard for me to generalize what the American dream is in regards to the responsibilities of the wife. I would still say that the ideal is still to have the stay at home mom and the breadwinning dad. My conclusion is largely based on the fact that if the man makes enough money at his job, the wife usually still stays home to fill the traditional roles of the stay home wife and mother. Another aspect of the American Dream is that an individual family should be nuclear, that is, living sep... Free Essays on What Is The American Dream Free Essays on What Is The American Dream What is the American Dream? It is my opinion that the American Dream can be slightly different for each person but that there are many commonalities between people’s dreams within the American culture. I feel that though our schooling and upbringings, we are influenced as to what the ideal of life is within this culture should be. I feel that television, magazines, and the many other forms of media condition us to believe in a similar structure of how life should be lived. The first thing that comes to my mind is that each family should live in a cookie cutter track home surrounded by neighbor’s houses that are nearly identical to their own. Ideally, there would be a white picket fence surrounding the house and a dog in the back yard. There are two to three children, at least one boy and one girl, who go to school every day and do there home work. The husband leaves for work early in the mourning and does not return until late at night because he must be the breadwinner and take care of his family. He would typically work in some kind of office and would be wearing a suit and tie. He would be the disciplinarian while the wife is the sensitive and more loving figure of the family. The next part of the dream that I have in my head is now a little confusing. In the past, wives were supposed to stay home and cook breakfast, clean house, take care of the kids, and cook dinner. Now in days, with so many women in the job market, it is hard for me to generalize what the American dream is in regards to the responsibilities of the wife. I would still say that the ideal is still to have the stay at home mom and the breadwinning dad. My conclusion is largely based on the fact that if the man makes enough money at his job, the wife usually still stays home to fill the traditional roles of the stay home wife and mother. Another aspect of the American Dream is that an individual family should be nuclear, that is, living sep...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Theology essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Theology - Essay Example , this paper will briefly discuss the representation of the god of the Old Testament through textual analysis and seek to answer which approach most adequately describes his nature. One of the world’s most famous atheist Sir Richard Dawkins has this to say of the god represented in the Old Testament, â€Å"The god of the Old Testament is perhaps the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it, a petty unjust unforgiving control freak, a vindictive ethnic cleaners, a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, philicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully†(Dawkins 1). In this way, the reader can readily understand the approach that many who have rejected religion based upon the seemingly outlandish texts of the Old Testament hold to. From the atheist point of view or from the point of view of the believer that rejects the Old Testament, it is irreconcilable to believe in justice, equality, love, kindness, mercy, and yet believe that the same god that represents texts such as the following: â€Å"Then the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lo rd out of heaven, and He overthrew those cities, and all the valley, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground" (Gen. 19:24-25); or the following: â€Å"Behold, I [God], even I am bringing the flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which is the breath of life, from under heaven; everything that is on the earth shall perish." (Gen. 6:17); or the following: "They [Israel] utterly destroyed everything in the city [Jericho], both man and woman, young and old, and ox and sheep and donkey, with the edge of the sword" (Joshua 6:21). Such dictates make the case extremely difficult for those that would seek to justify such an approach (Daniel 84). In this way, seeking to justify the actions of the Israelites who were supposedly acting under the divine guidance of an omnipotent god becomes
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Art history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Art history - Essay Example The angel Gabriel's declaration to Mary that she was to become the mother of Jesus is called the Annunciation. The story is found I what is known as the Infancy Narrative of St. Luke's Gospel - Luke 1:5-2:52 (The Catholic Encyclopedia).Rogier van der Weyden's painting, The Annunciation, was completed around 1435, is a 33 7/8" x 36 1/4" panel, which once was part of a triptych. The depiction is of Mary in a bedchamber, seated by the light of a window at the right, positioned on the floor in a stance that implies that she had been busy reading while angel Gabriel comes to pronounce that she was blessed among women to bear the child Jesus. Gabriel appears to Mary's back with a somewhat solemn face as Mary turns her head towards him.Weyden portrays a somewhat intimate detailed image; he tries to show that Mary was reading a book while angel Gabriel declared that she would be the chosen woman to bear Jesus. The original purpose of including a book in his painting was to evoke the prophecy of Isaiah, "Behold, a virgin shall conceive".In the deep space that characterizes Van der Weyden's work, Mary acknowledges the presence of Gabriel with a head inclined away from the book and a gesture of the raised right hand...Van der Weyden introduces some significant elements into the Annunciation iconography. To denote purity, the vase of lilies is present but so too is a carafe of clear liquid, which may also represent an alchemical union of the sexes (Losh, 2001). According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, "The column which separates the angel Gabriel from Mary symbolizes the division of the Old and the New Law that was bridged by the Incarnation." [National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Mellon Collection, 1937] The artist represents a shallow space, and he uses logical measurement, since the bodies of angel Gabriel and Mary where inclined at the same direction and the bench was paralleled to the bed. We can clearly see that the picture is dynamic, full of movement, we can easily know that Gabriel is stating a message to Mary while Mary on the other hand reacts to what the angel have declared. The composition was fairly organized, the artist uses harmonious perspective in detailing every object in the painting, but the objects seem to be shorter than they really are, the bench was not comfortable to sit in, the bed looks shorter for the size of Mary, and the chandelier seems to hit the heads of Mary if she will stand. I consider Mary as the focal point of the painting. Her black gown catches first my attention; its solid, vivid color amazed me. The intended point-of-view of the scene is oblique, as intended by the artist, place yourself in the right side of the painting, and look at it with an angle of 45 degrees then you will see the image more precisely and the message it wants to impart. As one of Rogier's successful works, the Annunciation was characterized by cold and bold colors; they were as strong as the message was so strong - that it is possible for a virgin to conceive a child even without the intervention of the flesh or sexual intercourse - also it is characterized by rhythmic elongated lines, particularly evident in fluttering robes and draperies, by the elegant mannered poses of the figures, and especially by a tragic religious intensity that reached a peak in three versions of the crucifixion. The scene is sharply lit, there are no unnecessary lines in the painting, and every detail can be seen, even the thread that holds the curtain of the bed. The light is obviously coming from the right side window if you are facing towards the painting and at the left side of Mary. The artist uses different textures, from the chandelier, in designing the window, to the plain style of the bed and beddings, to the chairs and its pillows, to Mary's clothing, and specially so, to what Gabriel was wearing, its designs and details depicts the magnificence of the creature. Most of the paintings of Rogier van der Weyden were serene,
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