Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Terrorism And The Threat Of Terrorism - 1014 Words
Terrorism has continuously been an ongoing danger all over the world. Threats pertaining to international security seem to be loosely organized and self-financed groups or the extremist Islamist parties using religion as a pretext that pose threats to the U.S. and other allies. However, while most see terrorism as being international, domestic radicalism has become an ever increasing problem, specifically within the United States. Cross national links between specific terrorists groups are becoming greatly feared, due to the increasing growth in combat training, funding, technological transfer and political development. Uranium Enrichment, a byproduct in producing chemical weapons (WMD’s) are becoming even greater in countries like North Korea, Syria and now Russia. With Iran being a major sponsor for terrorism and great influences like Al Qaeda forming groups desiring Uranium for the purposes of chemical warfare has led nations to constant anxiety. Terrorists’ t hreats pertaining to both national and international security are tremendously serious. By means of rapid growth in technological advancement, weapons of mass destruction are gradually greater than that of the past. The world population is now faced with a serious dilemma. â€Å"Terrorism, like viruses, is everywhere. There is a global perfusion of terrorism, which accompanies any system of domination as though it were its shadow, ready to activate itself anywhere, like a double agent†(Baudrillard, 2013).Show MoreRelatedTerrorism : The Threat Of Terrorism Essay1098 Words  | 5 PagesThe threats of terrorism are growing globally and it is crucial in understanding the history of how terror is obtained to better prepare ourselves and possibly predict future threats. The behavioral pattern of the extremist can be a combination of qualities, acts, or beliefs. It is believed that all terrorist events have political objectives behind them, even though these extremist use rel igious symbolism to seek a wider audience and resort to violent acts to prove their point. The terrorist’s eventsRead MoreTerrorism : The Threat Of Terrorism898 Words  | 4 PagesTerrorism is defined in the word itself; to promote terror or fear. The goal of a terrorist is also to create the most damage, particularly mass casualties. Terrorists have a variety of ways to instill fear, but what Americans fear most is the use of WMDs. Terrorists have used WMDs as a tactics to induce fear for generations and in some cases they followed thru with their threats. After Pearl Harbor, Americans realized they could be attacked at home, but over time the memory of that day faded andRead MoreTerrorism Is A Threat Of Terrorism1846 Words  | 8 PagesWell known peace activist Mhatma Gandhi once preached, â€Å"Terrorism and deception are weapons not of the strong, but of the weak.†Ghandi dedicated his life to independence for each and every person on Earth. We live in a worl d where countries’ biggest fear is the threat of terrorism. To many, terrorism may only seem to be stories in the history books, but in reality in today’s world terrorism is a heightened menace. Terrorism, when defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, means any activitiesRead MoreTerrorism : The Threat Of Terrorism Essay701 Words  | 3 Pages The Threat of Terrorism in the U.S. Thomas McBrien Prof. Tomlinson FCIQ-101 Terrorism is a major, growing concern throughout the United States. Terrorism comes in different forms and also has different motives. The most common motives for terrorist attacks in the United States are different political and religious views. The United States is also a targeted country because they are very involved in other nations. As the terrorist threat continues to rise, the United States must haveRead MoreTerrorism : The Threat Of Terrorism1788 Words  | 8 Pagesdeadly plague known as terrorism. One would think it’s blasphemy that the United States does not help other countries to prevent such a polluted river from flowing, but we must take action because we are all humans and we deserve to live peacefully. Ignorance pours into people s blood by not even noticing how terrorism is beginning to give many presidential candidates a â€Å"boost.†While our government believes that it is better to not become more involved with the terrorism occurring in forei gn countriesRead MoreThe Threat Of Terrorism And Terrorism1979 Words  | 8 Pagesterrorist attack lingers in the minds of not only civilians, but business owners as well. All over the world there is an increased threat of terrorism that public, private and governmental companies face that requires companies to have an increased knowledge and understanding on how to manage the risk of terrorism. With not a single country being able to escape the threat of terrorism, how does a company manage the risk of something that is so hard to measure yet, one of the most catastrophic things a companyRead MoreThe Threat Of Nuclear Terrorism1483 Words  | 6 Pages Nuclear Terrorism Introduction to Homeland Security Victor Reyes Valencia College Abstract Nuclear terrorism can take a variety of forms. The most frequently discussed form involves a terrorist group either stealing a nuclear weapon or building a nuclear device using stolen or illegally purchased nuclear material. This paper explores the dangers and threats of Nuclear Terrorism. It also goes in depth with how the government’s actions have prevented groups, countries and homegrownRead MoreTerrorism And The Terrorist Threat Essay1567 Words  | 7 Pageswithin counterterrorism, views regarding Islamist terrorism appear to be divided even among the experts. Bruce Hoffman and Marc Sageman, two of America’s leading theorists on terrorism and counterterrorism, held opposite views on how to deal with the Islamist terrorist threat, which erupted into a significant debate between the two in 2008. While Hoffman stressed that Al Qaeda is alive, resurgent and more dangerous than ever, Sageman argues that the threat no longer comes externally from organizationsRead Mo reThe Threat Of Nuclear Terrorism986 Words  | 4 PagesThe USA has reported Nuclear Terrorism as the number one issue that all Americans are facing today. Nuclear Terrorist attacks in Paris, San Bernardino, California, and New York have raised tension between the US and other countries, especially Islamic countries such as Iran. Nuclear terrorism has killed many innocent people around the globe. It has become the subject of debate in the USA since the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 (Muller, 2016). Nuclear arms production is one of the rootRead MoreTerrorism: A Growing Threat898 Words  | 4 Pagesstruck fear in the eyes of many people by using threats and violence to further political beliefs. Terrorism can be shown in many different ways; however, there are only two main types of terrorism: international and domestic. International terrorism usually occurs outside the jurisdiction, or boundaries, of the United States. Domestic terrorism is the exact opposite, oc curring mostly within the jurisdiction of the United States. The violence of terrorism is usually comprised of assassination, destruction
Sunday, December 15, 2019
How can an effective PR campaign sell your products Free Essays
Introduction Effective Public Relations has never been more in need, small businesses and big businesses alike are continually feeling the pinch in today’s economic climate. With cutbacks and redundancies happening regularly across the board, clever PR tactics are NEEDED in place of expensive advertising campaigns. Advertising is in principal, a method of ‘paying to blow your own trumpet’ whereas Public Relations is a process of receiving a third party endorsement for your product. We will write a custom essay sample on How can an effective PR campaign sell your products? or any similar topic only for you Order Now In other words, Public Relations is used to build rapport with customers, employees, voters, investors or the general public. Definition of Public relations. At the most basic level, public relations (PR) simply means managing relations with one’s public(s). A â€Å"public†is any group of people who are important to the well-being of a person, group, organisation or business. For example, a company’s publics might include customers, employees, investors, and local businesses and communities. On the other hand a non-profit organisation’s publics might include members, donors, volunteers, and society at large. Writing a press release Writing an effective press release is the most important part of an effective PR campaign. In order to write an effective press release you need to first have a product to write about. Enthusiasm for said product is an important factor; if the person writing the article is not enthusiastic about the product this will come across to the reader and potentially lessen the effectiveness of the article. To begin with, a catchy headline is paramount; think about what makes the product stand out in comparison to similar products already in the market. Your headline is the first tool required in order to captivate your reader, if the title is clear and interesting then your reader will WANT to read on to find out more. Secondly, you will need a good introduction; this is key as it will outline the topic and intention of your article. Here you can use your enthusiasm about the product so that your reader can also feel the same energy. Thirdly, you will need the body of your article. This is w here you will outline the topic in greater detail making sure basic questions the reader may have are carefully answered. You could maybe draw upon a personal experience to better convey your message. Finally, you will need a conclusion to your topic. This is a brief summary of your article and a call for the reader to take action. How do they find out more Where can they buy/bookOnce you have completed your press release ensure you proof read it and read it out loud and if necessary make any required edits. Once you are happy with the article you can then distribute it to your chosen media list. Publicity stunts A magician seeking publicity in the 1900’s had himself strapped into a straitjacket and hung upside down off the roof of a building. Through word of mouth and promotion 50,000 people gathered and eagerly watched him escape and return to safety. The name of the magician was Harry Houdini. A century later, another magician seeking publicity had himself locked into a glass box and hung for 44 days from a spot located next to the Tower of London Bridge, his feat of endurance attracted huge crowds, and an estimated 10,000 people were there to see him come out. That magician was David Blaine. These two individuals from different times in history had one thing in common; they both used a publicity stunt to raise their public profile. Publicity stunts have been around as long as people have wanted attention. Richard Branson built his empire through various effective Publicity stunts. He broke a few records in his hot air balloon emblazoned with branded Virgin advertising. An effecti ve publicity stunt carried out by your business will boost your public image and improve sales of your product. Public Relations, advertising and marketing are in essence part of the same dance. All three appear to be selling something and all three overlap in some ways. The ultimate goal never the less is the same – all are designed to influence the perceptions, actions, and/or behaviours of a group of people. There’s a famous saying that illustrates these differences. If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign that says: â€Å"circus coming to the fairground Saturday†that’s advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk him into tow, that’s promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor’s flowerbed, that’s publicity. If you can get the mayor to laugh about it, that’s public relations. And if you planned the elephants walk, that’s marketing. Effective press releases and publicity stunts can do wonders for a struggling business in this harsh economic climate. In order to improve sales and boost your public image your business will have to reach a wider audience. And the only way to do this is to be everywhere your potential clients are. You have to create an awareness of your product or service on a wider scale. This can only be done through effective Public Relations. Reference Suley Khan is the C.E.O of Free-st8 PR, a subsidiary of Freest8 Entertainment and owner of www.freest8.com Author of â€Å"PR tips for increased exposure†newsletter. To subscribe, enter your information at: www.freest8.com How to cite How can an effective PR campaign sell your products?, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Impact of Marketing Strategies on an Organization Free-Samples
Questions: 1.Analysethe Current Organisational Capability and level of Core Competence. 2.How does Competition Impact on the Organisation and its ability to serve its Markets?3.Consider Potential Customer Markets-that the Organisation Maytry and Serve?4.What are the likely Impacts of the External Environment Select at least two variables and Make Recommendations on how these Factors above will Impact on the overall Marketing Strategy of the Organisation. Answers: Introduction Woolworths is one of the leading retail chains in Australia. The brand was originally founded in Australia and it soon expanded to New Zealand as well. By revenue, Woolworths is the second largest company in Australia. It is also the second largest in New Zealand. The success of the brand can be attributed to the fact that it has utilized a large number of strategies throughout its functioning time span. Woolworths main areas of dominance lies in the food and liquor sector in which, it is a market leader. At present, Woolworths is the largest liquor takeaway dealer in Australia. In 2008, Woolworths was ranked as the 19th largest retailer in the world. 1.Current Organisational Capability and Level of Core Competence The Organizational Capability refers to the ability of an organization to effectively manage its resources and other aspects in order to gain an advantage over its competitors. Woolworths limited is one of the most popular and successful retail chains in Australia. Woolworths limited has adopted a variety of policies to improve its organizational capability and those policies have helped the organization to achieve an important place in the retail industry. Woolworths is one of the most popular brands in Australia and it has an important place in the market of New Zealand (Blackstone, Prest, Stern, 2016). The reasons for this is that the organization has utilized a number of strategies that have helped it to gain a firm footing in the market and effectively utilize its resources and employee base for the creation of an organizational capability that has given it an edge over the competitors. In order to achieve this target, Woolworths has adopted a kind of people strategy that provi des it with the tools to effectively apply its strategy to attain organizational capability. The most important part of this strategy is how Woolworths has built a system of employee engagement (Pilgrim, Pilgrim, 2008). The employee engagement helps the company to attract and retain workforce as the employees are aware of the organizational goals and objectives. The organization also aims to provide training to the employees in a manner where the workforce is trained in accordance with the organizational goals. This would help in the creation of future leaders from within the organization itself. The organization has 5 objectives that have helped it gain a considerable level of organizational capability. These are, Building a customer and store-led culture and team, generating sustainable sales momentum in food, evolving drinks business to provide even more value and convenience to customers, becoming a lean retailer through end-to-end process and systems excellence, empowering por tfolio businesses to pursue strategies to deliver shareholder value (Dolan, 2002). As a result, the organization has succeeded in the creation of an organizational capability that is up to the industry standards. The core competencies of Woolworths are varied and have provided the company with a distinct aspect. These core competencies provide the company with the much-needed distinction from other brands of retail. The product differentiation is what serves as the USP of any brand and in the case of Woolworths, it is no different. The most important core competency of Woolworths is seen in the food and liquor leadership (Du Plessis, Strydom, Jooste, 2012). While the retail chain specializes in a lot of products, the food and liquor are one of the aspects where we find the company does a good job of gaining a market leadership. The company has carved out a place in the food and liquor market for itself through media integration with The Voice, where they have created Australias Fresh Food Peoples marketing campaign. 2.Competition impact on the organization and its ability to serve its markets Competition means contending ambitiously to seek to sustain in the organization by performing well from others or dominating on rivals to be on the top. The impact of competition on the Woolworths limited is immense as it is a grocery market which includes fresh vegetables and fruits, meat of animals, monthly ration of rice, pulses, wheat etc, so the items are mostly perishable in nature and the pressure to sell the products are very much. Woolworth used to be the dominative supermarket giant from last two decades in Australia but due to other grocery markets like Aldi, Costco, and Lidl who sell homogeneous products like Woolworth at lower and discounted price, it led to cut-throat competition in the grocery industry and Woolworth has been affected a lot from its competitive rival firms (Ensaff, Rooney, 2010). This led to the change of the whole scenario of the market drastically. The organization is in threat of leading the market as its profit sharing margin and dominating the market is coming down. The organization is resolving the harm done to its business by its rival firm by taking necessary steps to sustain in the market by lowering the price of its product and also improving the quality of the product and assuring its customer that the product is best but the company will be affected with lower profit margin and less market share so the organization should be the biggest loser (Ferrell, 2016). The organization is following a strategy to serve its market in various ways by winning the trust of its customers and increasing its market share by lowering the price of the goods and enhancing the whole scenario of shopping by bringing new ideas to the products through change in the products and also offering new schemes to the customers by giving them gifts hamper on their bulk purchase (Plunkett, 2012). The organization also focus on providing fresh perishable items, more range of products and has brought new medium of selling the products through online by making a web portal in which the customer could order their goods and get the products in the form of home delivery as his will aid customer in restoring their energy and time management (International marketing strategy, 2002). There are millions of regular customers of Woolworth and thousand of customer online so the organization has to focus on their customer by providing them better service and resolving their queries and problems to se rve the market. 3.Potential customer markets that the organization may try and serve Potential customers are those customers who are serious customers who buy products and are willing to pay the money. They are not window shopping customers. The business market focused on retaining their potential customers as they are loyal to their sellers and the revenue comes from the potential customers and customers make their business sustain in the market. The Woolworth has performed well in the market of Australia and New Zealand and the company has recognition for its premium service and good quality of products and develops millions of regular customers and thousands of online customers (Peter, Olson, 2010). The company has done well in retaining its loyal customers by ensuring them with good service and better products and also making drastic changes in the strategy of business by offering products at lower and discounted price (Jagadeesha, 2012). The company should expand its business throughout the globe as it has got recognition in the global market so it should targe t people of other countries by establishing their market at countries where they will get potential customers. Countries like the USA, European countries, and Indian subcontinent has a broader aspect of business because of high population. The company should focus on advertising policy to aware people while entering a new market. They should focus on the needs of people and should have different policy reform for customers because of different in culture, language, and religion (Welham, 2003). They should offer low price of the products from the existing firm and should provide a new offer on a purchase, they should also innovate the products and bring new products to the market and make the customer try the new products. They could also create and generate needs of the consumer by adding new products to a particular product line. The company should focus on the growth of its business by establishing its branch in various part of the globe and also welcoming premium brands in its st ore so that rich people could purchase their product (Kotler, Keller, Manceau, Hemonnet-Goujot, 2015). The company should focus on middle-class people as it constitutes the major portion of the society by giving them the products of their choice. The retail market faces the most competition in the market as it connects directly to the customers. The company should remove the involvement of the intermediaries or middleman to provide goods to the customers directly from production department. These are the technique the organization can try and serve to potential customer market. 4.Likely impacts of the external environment In any business organization, external factor plays a vital role in shaping the organization structure. A company cannot exclude the external factor as it impacts the business of the organization. If a company doesnt take into consideration the external factor which affects the organization then the company is going to lose (Lovelock, Wirtz, 2016). Though the external factor doesnt play a direct role in companys production of goods but it plays an indirect role in companys success or failure. The company should communicate well to its external consumers to make them their potential customers by interacting with respect and dignity. They should be professional in their work while targeting outside people (Winer, Dhar, 2014). They should make their online portal user-friendly so that every consumer could access the website with ease and also promote their business with the help of social service. There are many factors which affect the organization but the two most important are as f ollows: Economy: The economy of the world affect the enterprise in a big way as the whole business has being globalized as countries have welcomed foreign investment. So the change in the economy of the world impacts the revenue of the company as it is connected to the world. If the global market business is good then the company business flourish but if there is a loss in the global market then the company also suffers a loss this happens due to fluctuations in the market because of emergency in a country, war, due to a terrorist attack and demonetization of money in form of notes (Marketing Management, 2010). The big companies are listed in the stock market so they are highly affected by the change in the economy of the world. Weather: this is the biggest external factor which affects the organization externally. The grocery market is most affected by weather as they sold more perishable items which are naturally produced and weather plays a vital role in it (Mothersbaugh, Hawkins, Mothersbaugh, Tom, 2016). If there is a storm or flood or drought in an economy then the cultivation are affected badly and in this process less amount of goods are transferred to end users and with scarcity of product the price of the product rises and people buy less so in adverse it affect the revenue of the organization but if the weather support cultivation then there is high productivity of goods and people get products at lower prices and it increases the revenue of the organization immensely. Recommendations on how these factors above will impact on the overall marketing strategy of the organization The factors above are what can be considered to be important in order to create a marketing strategy. The marketing strategy is in fact created by taking into account the various opportunities and limitations of the organizations. Performing a SWOT analysis is one of the most effective ways of coming up with a marketing strategy for any organization. From what we have seen above, the strengths of the organization lies in the fact that it is a market leader in some of the aspects and products. For example, Woolworths is a market leader in Food and Liquor. This strength of the organization should be utilized at the utmost level. The weakness of the organization lies in its limited market reach. However, this brings us to the opportunities that the organization has in front of itself. The organization still has potential markets in the USA, the European countries and the Indian subcontinent. This is one of the prime opportunities for the company as these markets have a high population a nd as a result, the organization may consider expanding into these markets. However, these markets have the threats of a large number of competitors as well as existing major players in the field. However, while deciding a market strategy, the company can utilize a strategy of competitive pricing and high-quality products in order to maintain a presence in the new markets as well. Conclusion Woolworth is one of the leading retailers in the world owing to its very effective strategies that it has implemented over the period of its operations. From what we have seen, the company has been a market leader in many aspects and continues to be so. However, the brand needs to expand to new markets in order to maintain its presence in the industry. The brand has performed well in the markets of Australia and New Zealand. However, it needs to expand to other markets in order to keep up with its competitors. The existing management strategies combined with an aspect of competitive advantage by the strategy of competitive pricing can provide the organization with the much needed growth. References Blackstone, W., Prest, W., Stern, S. (2016).Commentaries on the laws of England. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dolan, R. (2002).Marketing strategy. Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing. Du Plessis, P., Strydom, J., Jooste, C. (2012).Marketing management. Cape Town: Juta. Ensaff, N., Rooney, A. (2010).Retail. London: Evans. Ferrell, O. (2016).Marketing strategy. [S.l.]: Cengage Learning. International marketing strategy. (2002). Cookham. Jagadeesha, M. (2012).Retail. Saarbru?cken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Kotler, P., Keller, K., Manceau, D., Hemonnet-Goujot, A. (2015).Marketing management. Montreuil: Pearson France. Lovelock, C., Wirtz, J. (2016).Services marketing. Hackensack (NJ): World Scientific. Marketing Management. (2010). Mothersbaugh, D., Hawkins, D., Mothersbaugh, L., Tom, G. (2016).Consumer behavior. New York, N.Y: McGraw-Hill Education. Peter, J., Olson, J. (2010).Consumer behavior marketing strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Pilgrim, D., Pilgrim, D. (2008).Retail. Richmond: Trotman. Plunkett, J. (2012).Plunkett's retail industry almanac. Houston, Tex.: Plunkett Research. Welham, J. (2003).Retail. London: LexisNexis UK. Winer, R., Dhar, R. (2014).Marketing management. Harlow, Essex: Prentice Hall.
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