Friday, May 22, 2020
4 Ways to Make Your Biography Writing As Less Dry As Possible
No matter what topic you’re covering, when writing a paper for a class, you need to make sure that your work is interesting and compelling. This can be very difficult when you’re writing a biography, though. Biography writing often comes across as dry and boring. It doesn’t have to be though. The next time you’re asked to write a biography for an assignment, keep these tips in mind. They’ll help you earn your ‘A+’. 1. Use Interesting Trivia Your biography shouldn’t just be a list of interesting facts about a person. While these may entertain a reader, if they’re unrelated, your overall work will come across as random and unfocused. However, that doesn’t mean that you should ignore any interesting pieces of trivia that you come across. After you write your paper, look back through it and see if there are any places where you could incorporate these facts. They’ll help you make the overall work much more compelling for a reader. 2. Discuss Their Early Life Too often, students tasked to write a biography, they focus only on the portion of a person’s life that made them famous. The problem is, most people are familiar with this info already. Even if they’re not, they know they can easily find it with a quick internet search. Your paper should give people an experience they can’t necessarily get anywhere else. That means covering aspects of your subject’s life that aren’t as commonly-known, such as their childhood, or the period of time after their success. The point is to tell a story that others haven’t heard before. Of course, keep in mind that the story needs to be interesting. If there truly is nothing worth mentioning about the person’s childhood, don’t spend too much time focusing on it. 3. Make Them Relatable If your teacher asks you to write a biography on someone, odds are good the person you’re writing about will be a famous or historical figure. It’s very easy to treat these people as larger-than-life figures. The problem is, this makes too hard for most people to relate to. Often, it’s more interesting to read about someone who accomplished extraordinary things, but also had the traits or experience of an ordinary person. Readers like to feel that they can understand who a person is, and that requires being able to relate to them. To make your biography paper more compelling, look for stories from this person’s life that humanize them for the reader. 4. Be Focused and Specific Before taking this approach, check with your instructor to confirm that they approve of it. Sometimes, a biography assignment requires you to write a paper covering the person’s overall life and career. However, if you’re looking for a way to make it interesting, it often pays to devote most of your paper to covering a very specific period of time in your subject’s life. By focusing on a major accomplishment, you can explore their whole life and character in greater detail, instead of broad strokes. Don’t assume that your biography paper will inevitably come across as boring. If you keep these tips in mind, you can write something that truly captures the attention of a reader.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Graduation Speech - Original Writing - 1400 Words
November 20th: a lovely cool-weather-ed day, without much worry or fear in the air; the day after my sister, who had been living at college, celebrated her birthday with us at her workplace. Overall, it was a wonderful day. It was nearing the winter holidays, after a long-needed break during the beginning of eighth grade. I was staying after school, playing in the Middle School ‘Jazz Band’, having a great time. Everything ended, and I packed my instrument away. Overall, the band was able to learn, and practice, many new pieces for the upcoming concert. I couldn’t wait to go home, relax, and do homework for the next school day! My grandfather picked me up in his white van, and started towards my house, not too far away from the middle school. We were about halfway to my house, when I noticed a drawer on the sides of the road, which looked extremely similar to the one in my house. I didn’t think much of it. It was just a strange coincidence. My grandfather an d I were approaching my house, and I noticed one of my indoor-cats, named ‘Rocket’, running around outside, on my front lawn, frantically. There must be something going on. My grandfather, driving his van, reached the top of my driveway. I rushed out of his van to notice my front door wide open, with its wooden frame smashed. Something had to happen, and it wasn’t good. I rushed atop of my deck, to further inspect the door, hoping to find out what happened. My grandfather called my grandmother, and the police using ‘911’.Show MoreRelatedGraduation Speech - Original Writing1036 Words  | 5 PagesIn the back seat, intently listening to the words coming through the speakers, what is this I hear? Something so soulful, full of emotion, and life, it s as if I entered into another dimension, floating on a cloud of serenity. This feeling abruptly ended with a goodbye kiss as I prepare to enter the school building. I was enjoying my early morning schedule, learning about simple mathematics, how to get along with my peers, playing at recess, but I couldn t wait to get lost again, leave the earthlyRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing980 Words  | 4 PagesBy the time that Landon and I arrived to his mansion, the party had already started. Crazy, intoxicated teenagers were swaying their hips and doing every provocative move they cou ld think of to the beat of the horrid, meaningless music. Guys were desperately trying to get laid and the girls were loitering around, all over the place, taking photos and slurring their every word. Nothing good ever came out of partying-I could already tell that I was going to regret my actions by tomorrow morningRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing1385 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Natalia! we have to go to this dance! Please!†â€Å"You got money Roxy? because I sure do not!†. â€Å"Well no, but your mom will buy us tickets! Ha-ha!†â€Å"Well that is true, but you are asking her!†â€Å"What why she s your mom!†â€Å"But that s your mom! Lights flashing day and night, cars and taxi’s stuck in the day rush and the night to endure the spotlight, but in North Brooklyn there was to girls, two girls who were friends since 6th grade. They went through many hardships but still always managed to comeRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing898 Words  | 4 PagesAs long as I can remember I ve never been good at writing essays, especially under a time limit. There s just something about the pressure that makes me freeze up and I end up writing barely anything. I’ve struggled with it for the longest time, and I’ve tried to get better, but it’s a challenge for me. It all started in the third grade. I was deskbound in my third grade classroom with my friends, looking at all the decorations on the walls. It was approaching Thanksgiving break, so there wereRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing953 Words  | 4 PagesIt s the minute details that are vital: the small things are what make big things happen. There are certain flashbacks of one’s childhood that stay forever in one’s mind. There is one day in particular that is still fresh in my mind. It was the fall of third grade, and I forgot to pray Shacharit that morning. My evident passion for Tefillah began at a young age. As the realization dawned on me, tears were suddenly streaming down my face. This had never occurred to me before, and I felt nervousRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing992 Words  | 4 Pagesother alumni are in jail, died in the zombie apocalypse a while back, or have been wiped off the face of the earth somehow, I don’t know, I cou ldn’t possibly care any less about those that I went to high school with and that are there after me. Graduation was one of the better days of my young life. If you haven’t figured it out, I was not a fan of high school. They couldn’t pay or beg me enough to teach at any high school here in the county, hence why I am teaching at the middle school level, asRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing943 Words  | 4 Pages It was my 5th grade ceremony at Anthony Burns Elementary School, and I was standing in line to get my certificate. The school’s principal called my name to accept my certificate for â€Å"AB Honor Roll†and â€Å"Excellence in Math.†I was looking into the massive crowd, and my mother, along with my Uncle Chris and Aunt Saundra, were cheering me on with jubilant faces. I remember how intense the moment was, and the overwhelming feeling’s of love i received; I was proud. As I made my way across the stageRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing800 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Wake up,it’s time to go to Tennessee!†my mama exclaimed.I couldn’t believe that this day had come.It felt like I had waited forever for this much needed vacation from the hectic schedule of school. †I need to make sure I have everything.†I yelled.My brother was going,along with some of the church youth group.I was so excited that I could barely think straight.We were gone from September 4-6,which was Labor Day weekend.The reason we were going to Tennessee was to white-water raft.When we got toRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing1036 Words  | 5 Pages It had been a long hot summer, and I was very excited for school to begin, I even found a new backpack on the internet that I wanted to buy, although this never would happen, I was still happy that the summer was almost over. I couldn t wait. Every day of August I had checked the mail. But one day when I saw the mail truck, I sprinted down the driveway, I would ve been hit by a car is one was there. I opened the mailbox, grabbed the mail, and ran back up, well I should say tried. I trippedRead MoreGraduation Speech - Original Writing1311 Words  | 6 PagesSetting my suitcase and bags next to my bed, I glanced around seeing that most of the things I kept here were where I left where I ha don t them two months ago. summer break recently ended and class was scheduled to resume on Monday. It was my last year here at Maxwell College of Arts and I could already tell that this year was going to be stressful. Being 21, almost 22 in September, I was ready to take on life. Ever since I was 15, I knew I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to share my music with
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Myths of the Native American Cherokee Tribe Free Essays
string(61) " there was fire they did everything they could to get to it\." Myths are sacred to all Native American Tribes, and the two popular myths for the Cherokee Indian tribe is The Creation Myth, which explains how the world was made, and the other myth is The First Fire which is about how the fire was discovered. The Cherokees are a very large and powerful American Indian tribe and has a lot of history background and interesting facts. They use their cultural myths in their day to day lives in many different ways. We will write a custom essay sample on Myths of the Native American Cherokee Tribe or any similar topic only for you Order Now The creation myth is used more in their religion beliefs than the first fire is, but they both are similar with each other. The Cherokee Indians have a personal and trusting relationship with the earth, animals, and Plants to show that they love the earth and trust in it. The creation myth is about how the world was made in the Cherokee Indians point of view. This myth explains how the world was created and all the background information about it, and how and why we have mountains and valleys. The Indians believe that â€Å"The earth was a great island floating in a sea of water, suspended by a cord at each of the four cardinal points, hanging down from the sky vault, which is solid rock†, (Cherokee Beliefs Creation Of Earth), nd they fear that once everybody dies on this earth the earth will go back underground like it was before everyone was created. There was a arch floating on this island of water with a few animals aboard, and on this arch was a little Water-beetle, who went on a journey to see what was under the water, and what he discovered was some mud. The mud some how created a soft surface so that the animals could then walk on, which became the earth which was flat and very wet at first. All of the animals were very anxious to see if the ground was ready to walk on, so each bird on the arch was sent on to check, but they could not find a place to land. Each time something was discovered or complete they would send out a different animal to do that task to help get the earth ready to live on. The father of all Buzzards than flew out to get everything ready, he is the one who made the valleys and mountains. This happened when the Buzzard got very tired of flying, when he was in the Cherokee country his wings would touch the ground Ahich turned into a valley than it turned in a mountains. The sun was created after the earth was dry, the animals saw that it was still very dark. So then the animals got the sun in track so it would come up each day across the island from east to est. The first inept didn’t work due to it being really hot, it took a different animal and seven attempts to get the sun in the sky at a just enough spot. The Indians believe that there is another world under the one we live in. They call it the underground and they say everything down there is the same with animals, plants, and people, the only thing different is the seasons they have. Its not known to whom and when the animals and plants were made, but they were a great use of help when the earth was being created. The animals did a lot of work on trying to get everything in order so they could have some where to live. The plants and animals had to stay up seven nights to test their abilities. Only the owl, the panther and two other animals were able to stay up the full seven nights and were rewarded with the powers to see in the dark and stay awake at night. The tree’s that were able to stay up was the Cedar, the Pine, the Spruce, the Holly and the Laurel, they were giving the ability to always stay green and to be the greatest medicine. Men were created after the plant and animals were. First there was just a brother and sister that was living on earth and then the brother. Then one day he made her multiply by striking her with a ish, which she did. In seven days there was a baby and then every seven days another baby was born. It came to a conclusion that earth couldn’t keep all of the babies, because there were too many and it was dangerous. That’s how it came about that its more healthy for women to only have one child in a year. The animals and people were at one point living in harmony with each other, but then the humans speeded all over the earth and there wasn’t enough room for the animals or plants. Then the animals declared a war against the humans, the animals were really mad, so they each chose a disease to send the humans to make them ill or die. The plants were the only things that was still pure and harmless to one another, they were friendly to both men and plants but, â€Å"when the plants, who were friendly to man heard what had be done by the animals they determined to defeat the latter’s’ evil designs†(Conley pp. 10. After the trees defeated the plan that was made, they cured the humans with their medicine from themselves. The first fire myth explains how fire came about and who was discovered it. In mythology, fire appears both as a creative, cleansing force and as a destructive, punishing one, although positive aspects of fire generally outweigh negative ones. The fire was first made by some thunder that sent their lighting to a empty sycamore tree that was on a island which caught on fire. The earth was really cold, and when all the animals saw that there was fire they did everything they could to get to it. You read "Myths of the Native American Cherokee Tribe" in category "Essay examples" Since the fire was on a island only certain animals could try to retrieve the fire. The Raven had tried first because he was so strong he tried to bring back the fire, but he failed. In the process in trying to bring back the fire, the Raven got all of his feathers scorched black so he flew back. After most of the animals that could fly tried to get the fire failed nd got hurt in the process, none of the other animals that could fly didn’t want to try, because they were afraid. The next animal that tried was the black racer snake, he swam under he water and came up from the bottom of the tree where there was a hole at, and he made up it up the tree. The snake almost had the fire, but it burst in flames in his face and he fell in the hole and climbed out just into, but he got turned all black. By then all of the animals were afraid to try to get the fire, so the animals held a council to see what they should do next, and the rest of them made up xcuses why they couldn’t try to go retrieve the fire. The last brave animal that was willing to make the trip across the island was the water spider. For her journey she weaved a bowl and put it on her backed to carry back the fire in. she crossed over the island and came back with a piece of coal in her bowl still burning. The water spider still wears the bowl strapped around her body to remind everybody how she got the fire. Cherokee Indians were one of the largest native American group in the Unites States. They were one of the most important tribe in the United States and the most civilized. They riginally came from the southeastern region of the United States. The Cherokee people also lived in different parts of the United States, such as Georgia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. The location of the Cherokee Indians changed in the 1800’s, due to the Trail of Tears. The Trail of Tears is also known as Indian Removal, is when the government created an Indian territory in Oklahoma, and sent all the Eastern native Americans to live there. The Cherokee people were treated really badly and some died on the long journey to Oklahoma, which resulted in the deaths of 4000 Cherokees. The name Cherokee comes from a Muskoge word meaning speakers of another language, and is pronounced Tsalagi in their language, but the Cherokee language belongs to the Iroquoian . The Cherokee originally called themselves Aniyunwia which means the principal people. The roles of the men and women Cherokee tribe were like their distant cousins the Iroquois. The Cherokee men and women were equal to each other, they had the same amount of power as each other. The men did the hunting, war and diplomacy. For hunting the men would make their own and weapons by hand, the material they used was tomahawks. When the Cherokee man hunters would prepare to hunt for their food, they would pray to the animals to ask for forgiveness from them, than they would continue to hunt, â€Å"Man fasted prayed before hunting, and then offered thanks in a ceremony after killing an animal; on returning to their village, they shared the meat, used all parts of the animal, and often danced to honor the animal†, (Cherokee Indian Heritage and History). The Indians were thankful for the animal that gave them food, but They also felt bad so they honored them to show their appreciation to the animals and earth. Cherokee man would use blowguns to catch birds and sometimes to play a small game. They were good with building things also, building canoes and house frames and roofs. The women in the tribe duties was to be in charge of farming, property, and taking care of their families. The women also made their own tools, they wove mats, blankets, clothing and pottery. When the time came for making important political decisions in the Cherokee tribe the men would step in and play the important role, and when it came down to social decisions for the clan they would be the women place to step in and make the decisions. In the modern time in the Cherokee history women couldn’t be chiefs or anything in higher power, only landowners, and the man could only be the chiefs. Times have changed in the Cherokee tribe and now woman can be chiefs, but some Indians still prefer the traditional way to live. Some activities both genders did in the Cherokee tribe was artwork which is making drums and rattles, music which included them dancing to their traditional songs, storytelling and traditional medicine the pure healing. The Indians were really serious about their ways of healing themselves and others in their tribe. The Cherokee’s would have big ceremonies relating to this process of healing and forgiving with their traditional ways and beliefs. The Cherokee’s religion and beliefs are based up on the protective spirits of the upper world to help them keep balance and harmony on earth, and it connects to the creation myth in a Many different ways. The Cherokee Indians did a lot of rituals, prayers, and ceremonies giving thanks to the earth, plants and animals. They use the creation myth as guide to lead them through their lives. This myth means a lot to the Cherokee Indians and their religion. Even though the Cherokee Indians don’t use the term religion to describe the rituals, ceremonies, the cleaning of their bad feelings, and all of their other daily life styles, every part of their world had some scared connection or religious meaning to it. They began their day and end their nights with daily prayers, rituals, and seasonal ceremonies to deal with their problems and receive guidance and forgiveness from the earth. The Cherokee did a lot of rituals and ceremonies about how to rid all the bad feelings and getting the earth and animals to forgive them. They did special rituals for the animals they have killed â€Å"a hunter was required to follow ertain prescribed rituals, and to apologize to the spirit of the animal he killed†(Conley pg. 7). One of the rituals they did was Going To The Water, the purpose of this ritual is to help get rid of any bad feelings they may have and renew them in a positive way so they can began a fresh start with a clear mind. They began by stepping into a river or creek facing east, and dipping their bodies under the water seven times to come up with a clear mind, â€Å"they prayed to the sevens directions: the four cardinal points, the sky, the earth, and the center-the spirit†, (Cherokee Indian Heritage and History). This was performed by men, women, and children. Another ceremony the Cherokee’s used was called the called The Green Corn Ceremony, which was used to help give them a fresh start and seek forgiveness for their quarrels and any crime they did. This ceremony was held each year at harvest time. The meaning of this ceremony was to forgive one another and get forgiveness from the earth from what they did in their past year. In conclusion the Cherokee Indian were a very powerful tribe, who live their lives by many myths and traditional rituals, which is very sacred to them. They focus on all of the good things in life, they are very respectful and thankful for a lot of things. To show thanks they usually do ceremony or a traditional ritual. The Cherokee Indians have a lot of balance and harmony in their lives. Cherokee Indians have a lot of love for the earth, plants and the animals, most of there stories, rituals, ceremonies, and legends are based upon those three things they love and respect the most. Animals, earth, and the plants all give something to the Cherokee Indians that they can use feed, nurture and protect their tribe. How to cite Myths of the Native American Cherokee Tribe, Essay examples
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